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Our Covid-19 protocols

We are delighted to welcome you to a newly renovated Tree of Life!

As we reopen please be assured that your safety and comfort are our main priority. We have every possible measure in place in line with the HSE guidelines. Please read below for our Covid-19 protocols for Counselling, Contact therapies and classes.




Please read the up to date HSE information here


Tree of Life COVID-19 Care and Working Practices for counsellors July 2021


In order to ensure the safety of our clients, therapists and receptionists it is necessary to adopt some changes to current practice until such time as we are assured, they are no longer necessary.


  • Please read and familiarise yourself with all HSE and HSE guidelines for prevention of the spread of COVID-19.


  • Please check your insurance policy in light of the ‘New Normal’.


  • If you are feeling unwell, please do not accept bookings or set up appointments and stay home.


  • Please inform reception if you have had or have been in contact with anyone with symptoms or a positive diagnosis.


  • Contact details of all clients must be submitted to reception via e-mail prior to appointments. This data must be made available to reception for contact tracing in accordance with HSE guidelines. We will have this data stored in a secure file respecting personal and professional confidentiality.


  • Cash payments should be discouraged- payment of rent should be made by electronic bank transfer or by revolut to the centre. If you do not have revolut, Julie can send an invite and the process is then very simple.


  • There are ample supplies of hand sanitizer at the entrance to Tree of Life and in every room also. Please make sure to use these regularly and direct clients to do so too.


  • Each counselling room has been rearranged to allow for social distancing. Allow your client to leave first, maintaining social distancing at all times.


  • All appointments will be staggered to ensure social distancing is practiced wherever possible in all the common areas and on stairways, which will have clear visible social distancing signage. We will also be leaving 15 minutes between class times and therapy times to ensure less traffic coming into the centre at any one time and to allow for you to clean your space.


  • Clients should be requested to arrive on time and discouraged in using the seating area in reception for the moment.  Clients should be advised of this when they make an appointment.


  • If the reception door is not open, antiviral disinfectant sprays (readily available in each room and at reception) must be used after ALL contact by clients and counsellors. These areas include door handles, light switches. As furniture is leather, sprays must be used to disinfect these between clients.


  • Disposable gloves are available in the Centre.  Clients should be encouraged to bring their own masks and used entering and leaving the therapy room. Gloves used should be taken for disposal safely outside the centre by each individual user.


  • All magazines, cushions will be removed from the general areas and counselling rooms.


  • We would ask everyone to refrain from using the kitchen for the time being.  Counsellors and clients are asked to bring their refreshments in their own containers.  We also request that disposal containers are disposed outside the centre.


  • Counsellors are requested to wipe down a wipe able surfaces, e.g. door handles, chair arms, in the counselling room between clients and after their last clients.  Wipes, gloves and hand sanitiser will be available in each room.     


  • Please keep doors open between appointments to allow for ventilation.


Very much looking forward to seeing you all again and welcoming clients so we can safely provide our wonderful counselling services.


Tree of Life COVID-19 Care and Working Practices for contact treatments 2020


We are now reopening in accordance with HSE and HSA guidelines.   In order to ensure the safety of our clients, therapists and receptionists it is necessary to adopt some changes to current practice until such time as we are assured, they are no longer necessary.


  • Please read and familiarise yourself with all HSE and HSE guidelines for prevention of the spread of COVID-19. Please read this document thoroughly in light of the ‘New Normal’.


  • Please read the Visitor form which will be sent by e-mail and if you answer yes to any question, please do not come for a treatment for 14 days.


  • All our therapists have checked with their relevant professional association to be fully compliant with HSE guidelines and government policy for your therapy.


  • Contact details of all clients must be stored by us prior to appointments. This data must be made available for contact tracing if required in accordance with HSE guidelines. We will have this data stored in a secure file respecting personal and professional confidentiality.


  • Cash payments are discouraged and online bookings made where possible. We also accept revolut to the centre. If you do not have revolut, please message Julie and she can send an invite and the process is then very simple.


  • There are ample supplies of hand sanitiser at the entrance to Tree of Life and in every room also. Please make sure to use these.


  • Each treatment room has been refitted with brand new pillows, covers, blankets and every inch has been sanitised. There are cleaning products, hand sanitisers and facemasks available in each room which therapists and staff of Tree of Life will use between each treatment.


  • We have disposable pillow cases, face hole covers for every treatment and completely covered treatment tables with disposable plinth roll. Laundry and linen is changed regularly and any that is used specifically by a client will be replaced after every treatment.


  • Please be assured that cleaning and sanitising is not optional as is a compulsory practice in Tree of Life. Thorough sanitising between client visits to is a standard working practice to protect you, our valued clients and staff. All able surfaces, light switches, door handles, chairs and any areas that our therapists, staff and you have come in contact with. There are surgical spirits, Milton, bleach and anti flu virus dettox in abundance in each room.


  • All appointments will be staggered to ensure social distancing is practiced wherever possible in all the common areas and on stairways, which will have clear visible social distancing signage. We will also be leaving 15 minutes between class times and therapy times to ensure less traffic coming into the centre at any one time and to allow for sanitising.


  • Please bring your own mask for use when entering and leaving the therapy room. If gloves are used, these should be taken for disposal safely outside the centre by each individual user.


  • All magazines, cushions have been removed from the general areas and treatment rooms.


  • We would ask everyone to refrain from using the kitchen for the time being.  Therapists and clients are asked to bring their refreshments in their own containers.  We also request that disposal containers are disposed outside the centre.


  • Doors and windows will be left open between appointments to allow for ventilation.


Very much looking forward to seeing you all again so we can safely provide our wonderful services again😊


Covid-19 protocol for classes


 Places are limited to 8 with all measures including social distancing in place as outlined by the HSE.


We are doing our utmost to keep everyone safe in the centre for classes and therapies, but it will require a TEAM effort so please read this ENTIRE document before returning to class. This ensures we you can relax once you are in your Yoga space.


Booking classes:



  • If you have any booking inquiries you can email It may take a little time for us to respond, but we will respond. Thank you in advance for your patience.


  • We ask that no one comes to class without a booking in advance as you will not be facilitated. We cannot accept drop ins currently.


  • Please do not  ‘late-cancel’ your class if you can’t make it at late notice so we know who’s coming. We have such reduced capacity we’d love to be able to offer that space to someone on the wait list, payment is forfeited 24 hours in advance.


  • At this time we request that you do not yet join classes if you are considered ‘high risk’ for Covid-19. If your doctor gives you the green light to attend, perhaps show them our protocols to be sure, and then follow all of the guidelines your doctor recommends to keep yourself safe.


Coming to class:



  • Please bring your own Yoga mat and props and only bring necessary essentials, leaving personal belongings at home, or in your car, as much as possible.


  • Please place your mat as guided in the Yoga room.


  • Although not compulsory, we encourage you to wear a mask entering and leaving Tree of Life, until you are in your class place. Then you can take off your mask and leave it near you in a CLEAN bag to use again when you are leaving. The WHO state that they do not recommend wearing masks when exercising but this, again, is your choice.


  • Please arrive early, but no earlier than 10 minutes and respect the clear signage and floor markings guiding you on how to keep your social distance on entering Tree of Life and in the reception area.


  • Sanitise your hands at the entrance- (this is also clearly visible).


  • Please use the toilet before coming to class as toilet use is restricted at this time.


  • We look forward to the days when we can hang out in reception for chats again. For now though we request that everyone keeps things moving when arriving for class, and again when leaving, taking any personal conversations or phone calls after class outside.


  • Bring your own water as the filtered water can’t be used to refill bottles at this time.


During class:


  • The classroom will be kept well ventilated by keeping doors and windows open where possible.


  • Please try to face forward towards your teacher, with the flow of the practice to avoid face to face contact within 2 meters


  • Your teacher will not be wearing a face covering as they will keep a 2 meter distance from you and will avoid hands on instruction as much as possible. Should they feel it’s necessary to come and assist or spot you they will put on their mask to do so. 


  • Please look after yourself and others by respecting social distancing while moving through your Yoga sequence.


  • Please follow coughing and sneezing etiquette and bring any tissues used with you to be disposed of in the public bin outside.


Thank you in advance and we cannot wait to get back to Yoga!

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