Class & Event Facilitators

Dr Ann originally worked as a GP in the north west of Ireland for over 20 years. Her medical practice is now based in palliative medicine in both hospital and hospice settings.
She also has a private practice which embodies her love of complimentary therapies. It was while working as a GP Ann took a keen interest in ways of creating ‘whole person’ health, including mind, body, emotional & spiritual well being. She undertook training to become a yoga teacher & a Reiki Master. She then studied with the British Medical Acupuncture Society and the London Homeopathic Hospital. She is also an NLP practitioner & she uses Emotional Freedom Therapy in her practice also. Since Dr. Ann began her studies in Metaphysics with the Modern Mystery School in 2006, she has graduated as a Life Activation Practitioner, a Healer and Guide. She is also an Ensofic Reiki Practitioner and a Fundamental Ensofic Reiki Teacher. She is an International teacher with the Modern Mystery School while joyfully continuing her studies as a Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah Teacher.
Divina Ann serves as a Member of the Counsel of twelve women.
In her background she is a Family Doctor with over 25 years experience working in the NHS. She also has a broad portfolio of work in Palliative and Holistic Medicine. She is often consulted as a medical expert in the media, including Yahoo, Cosmopolitan and Glamour.
Born from her desire to encourage better relationships between men & women and create more love in our world she is an author of the best selling book ‘Once Upon a Tinder.’
Dr Ann facilitates many events in Tree of Life including Sacred Geometry 1 & 2; Astral Travel and more!

Hatha Flow Yoga, Mindfulness, Restorative Yoga, Kundalin
Maggie has been with Tree of Life since 2007, facilitating a variety of classes, workshops and events. Bringing professionalism and a truly caring, non judgemental energy to her events. Maggie studied in Sydney Australia, where she spent 9 years living on and off.
She began studying an “advanced diploma of integrated body therapies” full time and loved every minute as she has a big interest in the body, how it works and how to maintain it.
She has a background as a full time remedial massage therapist, but not for long as her interest in yoga grew stronger and went on to complete a “Diploma of yoga teacher training” at Nature Care College Sydney. Since then yoga has become not only her hobby but a way of living that makes her feel great, keeping her body working properly and most of all keeps her mind peaceful and relaxed.
The philosophy of Yoga and its texts are amazing little treasures of knowledge that make so much sense to Maggie, constantly putting life into perspective. Maggie' I Feel that I have only touched on all that there is to learn in yoga, and hope I can keep learning and pass on my knowledge to others! I completed a diploma of Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Limerick in 2010. I teach Kundalini workshops on weekends.I have continued studying with teachers such as Shiva Rea, Donna Farhi, John Frend, Mia Finnes, Gurmuck and many others. I practice and study vipassana Buddhist meditation and I also studied in Mindfulness teacher training with the Mindfulness Centre in Dublin, specialising in MBSR (mindfulness based stress reduction)'
Naomi is a highly trained and experienced Holistic Therapist & Reiki practitioner, qualified in various therapies which combine mind, body and spirit as one giving you a sense of health and complete well being.
She discovered her passion for massage and healing in 2004 when she qualified as a Holistic Massage Therapist. Since then, Naomi's studies include many other therapies to add to her portfolio, perfecting techniques to ensure each treatment is tailor made to your needs. Aftercare advice is given to help maximise the effects and gain full benefit, following each individual therapy. Naomi prides herself on putting client care first and is passionate about her work making a real difference. She is the ultimate client centred therapist and goes above and beyond to provide the ultimate in professional, safe, beautiful treatments to her clients. She is vital part of the team here at Tree of life.
Naomi provides classes workshops in Soundhealling, Reiki, Self care, Shamanism and more. She is also available for one to one treatments in Sound Therapy, Shamanic Practice & Counselling, Reiki (Master), Holistic Massage
Indian head massage, Holistic massage, Reflexology (incl Fertility & Cancer care) and Aromatherapy.
She is a registered member of the NRRI (National Registry of Reflexology Ireland) which is recognised by most health insurers.
Co-founder of Wellnessurway, Tree of Life is delighted to collaborate in with Dr Fiona in bringing a range of truly holistic events in Mindfulness, Meditation, Self care topics and lots more exciting classes. Fiona is a Doctor and Mindfulness Teacher who works with adults, teenagers and children to help and advise on ways to cope with mental health issues, everyday stresses and strains through one to one personalised programmes, classes and workshops .
Fiona trained as a Doctor in Trinity College Dublin qualifying as a Doctor in 1997.
She then trained as a General Practitioner and achieved her Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners in 2003. Fiona trained with the Institute of Mindfulness Based Approaches and achieved her Certificate in Mindfulness Based Approaches in 2015.
​Fiona has also trained in Neurolinguistic Programming, Positive Neuroplasticity and The Polyvagal Theory of Stress . She is currently completing her Life Coach training.
Fiona has also suffered from depressive episodes since her early twenties.
All these things are a great skillset in helping people learn to get the most out of life .

Nicola Shannon
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. Emotional Freedom Technique. Wellness for kids
Together with Dr. Fiona Macken, Nicola is founder of wellness ur way and Tree of Life is delighted to have these ladies as part of the team. Nicola has a very grounded approach to her work, bringing to her treatments and class facilitation a beautiful gentle authenticity which provides a very safe holding space.
Nicola is a fully trained and qualified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction teacher, completing her training with The Institute of Mindfulness Based Approaches. She has completed trainings in Emotional Freedom technique {EFT}, Connected Kids, Angel and Crystal healing and Nicola also is a Reiki Practitioner.
​She has 15 years experience in pharmacy where she currently works as a Pharmacy Technician and a Manager .
​Nicola offers Reiki Healing, both in person and distance healing. She also has sessions available in Emotional Freedom Technique, a wonderful anxiety tool.
Nicola also runs our Wellness For Kids sessions offering mindfulness and coping skills for life for children, their guardians & teens. Nicola is fully qualified & Garda vetted for her work. She provides support in areas such as sleeping, fears, worries, expressing feelings, identifying emotions, confidence, making friends, anxiety, relaxation & regulation. She provides audios for the child to use personalised to them. Nicola also offers this programme to schools.

Allow Ken to bring you on a journey of self discovery as you are guided through a gentle but powerful sequence of Hatha yoga, using movement, breathwork and relaxation to guide you towards greater mental and physical wellbeing - connecting the pathways between mind, body and spirit. Ken has been a resident teacher here @ Tree of Life for the last decade. As a highly trained Yoga instructor, having spent extended time furthering his teacher training in Nepal, India as well as Ireland.