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1 h
77 euros
Church Road

Service Description

Please note-Health insurance companies provide cover for Acupuncture treatments. Please check your policy for details... What Can Acupuncture Treat? The World Health Organisation recognises Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine as a proven treatment for many common complaints. Acupuncture is a complementary treatment that entails stimulating certain points of the body with a needle to treat various health conditions. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture is linked to the belief that disease is caused by disruptions to the flow of energy, or qi, in the body. Acupuncture stimulates certain acupressure points, releasing and allowing qi to flow through energy channels called meridians. It has been proven to treat conditions with the joints and muscles, headaches, irregular blood pressure, menstrual disorders, rheumatoid arthritis and many others. Alongside physical benefits, Acupuncture has been known to induce a much needed sense of calm and can assist those suffering from Anxiety, Depression and other Mental Health conditions.​ Please note a cancellation policy applies. If an appointment is cancelled within 24hours the deposit is forfeited.

Cancellation Policy

We operate a 24 hour cancellation policy. Therefore, if a booking is cancelled within 24 hours of the appointment time, the full price will be charged. Please note we cannot accept bookings overnight between 12am and 7am.

Contact Details

  • Tree of Life, Malahide Holistic Centre, Church Road, Malahide, County Dublin, Ireland

    + (01) 828 3992

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